2x National League (DIMAYOR) Championship Coach
If your team is undersized and relies on guard play and quickness to win, then the "Argentina Style of Basketball" DVD is perfect for you. Argentina basketball, famous for running the flex offense and playing with quickness, has produced another great coach, Daniel Allende. In this exciting DVD, Coach Allende breaks down the Argentinian-style of play including the famous flex game that so many teams use.
Coach Allende uses fundamental basketball techniques to teach players how to pass, when to dribble and proper shooting mechanics in the half-court setting. Allende uses 5-on-5 half-court offense to teach spacing, balance and timing, which are the most important aspects of any successful half-court offense.
Coach Allende starts with basic concepts and builds up to complex actions within the flex, ball screen offense, and high-low entries. By teaching basic pass, cut and replace strategies, players will be able to visualize how the offense should move and flow. He uses 3-on-0, 4-on-0, and 5-on-0 in order to ensure players understand their movements.
You will learn various actions that will flow right into the flex offense. Allende uses these actions to break down the offense into segments so players can practice their movements and master the art of the flex play. Allende leaves nothing out as he describes how players should counter an opponent's every defensive action.
Using 5-on-5 on-court demonstrations, he teaches how to enter the ball into the post, run continuous flex to wear down your opponent, use the UCLA cut to get into the flex offense and how to get scoring opportunities for your best shooter or low post player. He even details how to incorporate a simple fast break action that leads right into the flex offense.
Order now and see how the this flex offense can help your team put points on the board, even if you have a small team
Produced at the Spring 2013 Las Vegas (NV) clinic.
75 minutes. 2013.